Hamsterdam Hill

"Charming, in a deadly sort of way"

The city of the hill welcomes you home. Hamsterdam Hill, founded in 2014. 

Local Children Demand Dinosaurs

A group of local children in Hamsterdam Hill has declared that they are sick and tired of being ignored by Hamsterdam Hill’s leadership, and also that they would like “Candy, now……please.”

“We don’t feel that it is right for an entire group to be totally locked out of decisions that will affect our lives,” said leader of Kids four Kongress, Robby, 12. “And also, we feel the amount of vegetables, just in general, is totally unfair.”

The kids have been meeting in Robby’s treehouse for the past few weeks, and several proposals have leaked to the press. One policy document was mostly just a picture of a dinosaur.

“It’s a Triceratops,” boasted Robin, 8, while showing off her proposal. “It has three horns that help protect it from T-Rex. Frankly, the amount of dinostores in this town is embarrassing. That’s why my bill calls for 400% more dinostores.”

The children were expected to release their full set of demands on Thursday morning, but were beset by internal strife, mostly relating to who is taller, Bobby or Annie.

“We went back-to-back, and it’s clear. I’m taller by this much,” shouted Bobby, 10, holding his hands together to indicate a large amount that was clearly wrong.

“I can see the top of your head,” noted Annie, 11, as she looked down at the obviously shorter Bobby.