Local Dad Wears Homemade Halloween Costume, Despite Son's Protests
Local man Gerald Windstick, 43, wore a complicated and flamboyant costume heavily based on “Doc” Brown from Back to The Future for this year’s Halloween, despite his son’s repeated demands that he not do so. Mr. Windstick rebuffed his son’s request that he “mail in his costume like every other normal parent” and simply “wear a Darth Vader mask but keep it flipped up on the top of your head most of the time, so you are being slightly festive without embarrassing me”.
Instead, Windstick spent weeks perfecting his ideal Doc Brown costume, even going so far as to build a crude “flux capacitor” out of spare tubing that he had found in the back of his garage. “Listen son, I get one time a year when I can be a little silly and break out of the box corporate America has put me in, and by god, I’m going to take it. You and your friends can be silly whenever you want! But when is it Daddy’s time? Halloween, that’s when. And if you think I’m not going to yell ‘GREAT SCOTT!’ at least a couple times when we open the door to your friend’s houses, my boy you better get ready for it.”
Danny Windstick, 10, wonders when “Daddy will ever go back to work” and is increasingly exasperated with his father’s dinner options. “I’m fine with PB&Js sometimes, but yesterday we just had beans that he heated over the stove. He tried to tell me to imagine we were camping, but I don’t like camping.”