Hamsterdam Hill

"Charming, in a deadly sort of way"

The city of the hill welcomes you home. Hamsterdam Hill, founded in 2014. 

Ham Hill Ghosts Strike

Hamsterdam Hill's largest ghost union, The Screamsters, has gone on strike. Their leader, Tony Di Paulo, has released a new set of demands ahead of what many are predicting will be one of the busiest halloween seasons yet. "We wake up every day, put on our pants, grab our lunch pails, and provide top quality scares. Where's our slice of the pie? I got three of my best guys gettin' no OT pay. No OT pay? And we got more scaring to do then ever with all them new kids movin' into town.”

The recent influx of youth into Ham Hill has been attributed to Mayor Harrington’s controversial but wildly popular “Free Candy” campaign. Harrington talked up his campaign’s achievements in a recent press conference. “Listen. We need kids in this town for all sorts of reasons. Number one, their tiny hands are crucial for fixing the complicated gears in my industrial meat grinder. Those meat grinders don’t fix themselves! I sent my pet monkey, Jeeves, in to fix it last week and I’m fairly certain he died in there.”

Celebrity monsters have pledged their public support for the striking ghosts. “I’ve been there, man.” stated Count Dracula, who rents a summer home in West Hamsterdam Hill. “My first gigs, 1200 years ago? I was making maybe $5 a scare. You think you can survive on that? You don’t know all of the expense that running a castle entails. It adds up.”

As chants of “Not Fair, No Scares” rang out into the night, Mayor Harrington settled in for his usual evening snack/conflict of tiny, alive goblins. “Stop that thrashing, and provide me your nutrients!”