How To: Set A Bear Trap with Art Ester
Part 381 In a Long Running Series
Who wants to learn how to properly set a bear trap?! If you didn't scream 'Yes!' then you're probably stuck in a bear trap screaming for someone to help free you. Unfortunately that 'How - To' lesson is for another day, so you'll have to wait.
Is there anything more frustrating than setting a bear trap? Well maybe trying to kill all those spiders that have taken over your home, but this has to be in your top five frustrations. Anyway, on to the steps and keep those fan letters coming, your hatred fuels me!
1. Firmly grasp the bear trap with two hands and depress the spring in the center of the trap. This will cause the jaws to slowly pry open.
2. Kneel on the ground and gently place the agape trap on a flat surface.
3. Cover the trap in leaves to blend it in with the surroundings.
4. Quietly sneak away from the trap like you are tip toeing through a house you are about to rob.
5. Walk over to that "fan's" house that wrote that rude letter and tell him you appreciate the feedback and have a gift to convey your gratitude.